Thursday, October 25, 2012

Charlotte movie theatre Response

1. The Charlotte movie theatre is using 35 mm film as of right now.

2. The small theatres are facing a problem of being forced to switch tho digital but can not afford to switch without going under.

3. Fox said that they would definatly stop producing film by the end of 2013.

4. Digital projectors are cost prohibitive because they cost so much and buying more than one will cut the revnue way to low.

5. The theatre would lose 20% of the profits from the second projector that would go under.

6. The best solution would be to buy a digital projector loose some revnue and try to rebuild from there.

Monday, October 1, 2012


The changes of my RSS page are different all the time, every day the sports, twitter, facebook
, and especially the weather change daily.
The most important part of my newsfeed is the sports, and i have learned that the tigers moved to first place.
A RSS feed is important because it puts all of your favorite information into one site so you don't have to browse the web so much.