Wednesday, December 18, 2013

20/20 v2

Um, i have figured out that I want to do something along the line of sports. As you are well aware of my creative abilities and project ideas, I know that I will solve my 20/20 time project problem over christmas break.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

20% project

 This week is still a brainstorming session for me. I most likely will work on something with sports, but I'm not quite sure what it will be yet. This Wednesday I worked on my B1G championship poster.

Friday, September 6, 2013

writing prompt 1

Writing Prompt

We live in a day and age where kids are connected to technology. Kids see wonderful things that can further their learning as fast as a school curriculum. I don’t think schools should block websites at school because it hurts the growth of children today.

Blocking websites only delays what children will see at school, the only positive thing blocking websites does is keep the school safe from any blame that a student could do on the websites, students need the ability to grow and be creative, and sometimes it all gets blocked by the ceiling called administration.

Schools shouldn't block websites because it prevents the learning opportunities that our children in America will have. America isn't even in the top ten for education in the world!  Other countries will use the internet without any restrictions, and America is just falling behind. We need as many opportunities as we can get, so we can make another successful generation of people.

Technology today should be looked at as a tool and not our enemy, blocking websites will only hurt our children and our country. The internet isn't going anywhere, so we should stop being scared and embrace it, it is a helpful tool and we should use it to our advantage.


Wednesday, September 4, 2013

First post of the new year

I have had a blog for a little over 2 years. I have had multiple blogs over those 2 years. I have used my blogs from Abraham Maher to global science, and I am excited to post more advanced and better looking projects. This year will be the best one yet in Digital Media.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Black History Month

This Week I tried out some new filters.(Patchwork, Cutout, and Ink Outline.)